Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Rules of Facebook (Prof Pic Edition)

I've been on Facebook a TON lately because it beats doing homework.
Consequently, I've picked up on some tips that I've noticed frequently.
These 5 refer to profile pictures:

1. Never choose a profile picture with a person who is better looking than you are.

2. Whenever possible, choose a skanky picture that was taken by you in your mirror, with your cell phone.

3. Always respond to compliments from guys with phrases like, "thanks, cutie ;)"- the more winky faces, the better.

4. When attempting to climb the social ladder, choose a photo of you and some really popular kids to post as your identity (as this will result in instant stardom).

5. Try to choose a picture that really describes you, like one where you are looking off into the distance at your goals and dreams, or holding up a nonchalant peace sign (oh, how did that get there?)

*side note- the cooler you think you look, the cooler you are.

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