Friday, March 26, 2010

Love at first slut...i mean, sight...

From the mind of a boy:

It's just that feeling you know?
when you see a little leg, but the mystery's alive.
She reels you in with her bleach blonde hair.
Her skin is oddly orange..but I think it's just the light...
no..definitely orange...but that's okay.
Low cut top. Not skanky. ...kind of skanky. but that's alright because she has a good personality.
Personalities, they matter. a lot. a lot a lot. ...well...not a LOT. enough. they matter...enough.
We talked for hours. about everything. I can talk to her about everything. well..not EVERYTHING...I zoned out when she told me all of her random shit problems. but then she listened when I told her about that time that I tried to make a smoothie out of mac-n-cheese... remember that? so epic. *high fives all around*

what was I talking about? oh. yeah. so i like modesty, you know, keep it covered. unless it's hot out, because you need some air, right? or if your shirt is really itchy so you need to pull it down a bit. that's okay too.

she's basically a saint.

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