Saturday, March 27, 2010

Can one really be identified by objects?

I was attending a play tonight, and a girl came up to me as I got out of Chris's car,
and says,"I know this is weird, but were you in the Walton talent show?"
I said, "Yes, I was" (thinking maybe she recognized my face...which would be..understandable?)
"Oh I thought so," she said, "I recognized your purse."

what? i'm sorry....what? she recognized my purse? that's so strange.
It got me thinking. Am I unrecognizable without an identifiable object around?
I want to go to school one day, purse-less, and have everyone think I'm a new kid.

"what? does she even go to this school? where's her purse?"

*puts purse on*

"'s just Michelle. False alarm"

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